artificial intelligence,
Joonas Sildre

Is AI already taking over my work as an illustrator?

A short comic story by Joonas Sildre on how he discovered with astonishment that his work as an illustrator could soon be taken over by artificial intelligence.

Take a look at the first illustrations Joonas created in collaboration with Midjourney AI for our story series about how blind people read books:

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Toeta meid!

Illustratsioon toetajatele

Iga Levilale kantud euro läheb uute lugude tegemisse. Levila maksab nii ajakirjanikele, fotograafidele, illustraatoritele kui ka lugusid sisse lugevatele näitlejatele alati võimalikult õiglast tasu.

See on võimalik ainult tänu inimestele, kes Levilat toetavad. Aita meil olla teistmoodi – teravad, tasuta ja värsked – ka edaspidi.